NOAA is a client library to consume metric and log messages from Doppler.
This library does not work with Go 1.3 through 1.3.3, due to a bug in the standard libraries.
##Get the Code
This Go project is designed to be imported into $GOPATH
, rather than being cloned into any working directory. There are two ways to do this.
The easiest way with with
go get
. This will import the project, along with all dependencies, into your$ GOPATH
.$ echo $GOPATH /Users/myuser/go $ go get github.com/cloudfoundry/noaa $ ls ~/go/src/github.com/cloudfoundry/ noaa/ sonde-go/
You can also manually clone the repo into your
, but you then have to manually import dependencies.$ echo $GOPATH /Users/myuser/go $ cd /Users/myuser/go/src/github.com/cloudfoundry $ git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry/noaa.git $ cd noaa $ go get ./...
In order to use the sample applications below, you will have to export the following environment variables:
- You can get this value by executing ($ cf oauth-token
). Example:
export CF_ACCESS_TOKEN="bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.mAaOJthCotW763lf9fysygqdES_Mz1KFQ3HneKbwY4VJx-ARuxxiLh8l_8Srx7NJBwGlyEtfYOCBcIdvyeDCiQ0wT78Zw7ZJYFjnJ5-ZkDy5NbMqHbImDFkHRnPzKFjJHip39jyjAZpkFcrZ8_pUD8XxZraqJ4zEf6LFdAHKFBM"
- It is based on your environment. Example:
export DOPPLER_ADDR="wss://doppler."
The samples/app_logs/main.go
application streams logs for a particular app.
The following environment variable needs to be set:
- You can get this value from running$ cf app APP --guid
. Example:
export APP_GUID=55fdb274-d6c9-4b8c-9b1f-9b7e7f3a346c
Then you can run the sample app like this:
go build -o bin/app_logs samples/app_logs/main.go
The samples/firehose/main.go
application streams metrics data and logs for
all apps.
You can run the firehose sample app like this:
go build -o bin/firehose samples/firehose/main.go
Multiple subscribers may connect to the firehose endpoint, each with a unique
subscription_id (configurable in main.go
). Each subscriber (in practice, a
pool of clients with a common subscription_id) receives the entire stream. For
each subscription_id, all data will be distributed evenly among that
subscriber's client pool.
The samples/container_metrics/consumer/main.go
application streams container
metrics for the specified appId.
You can run the container metrics sample app like this:
go build -o bin/container_metrics samples/container_metrics/consumer/main.go
For more information to setup a test environment in order to pull container metrics look at the README.md in the container_metrics sample.
Use go get -d -v -t ./... && ginkgo --race --randomizeAllSpecs --failOnPending --skipMeasurements --cover
run the tests.