
Implement an ElectricConductivity object owned by RunawayFluid

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In order to keep RunawayFluid clean, we should move all functions related to the conductivity calculation into its own object, which could be owned by RunawayFluid.

The only functions that RunawayFluid should retain are then

        const real_t GetElectricConductivity(len_t ir) const;
        const real_t* GetElectricConductivity() const;
        real_t evaluatePartialContributionConductivity(len_t ir, len_t derivId, len_t n);

whereas the remaining conductivity-related functions could be private methods in the new class.

Possibly we should move the FractionOfBraamsConductivity function from PredictedOhmicCurrentFromDistributionTerm to the new class as well, possibly as a public static method.

Also, we could probably move the ElectricConductivity object from RunawayFluid to EquationSystem? It really has nothing to do with the runaway rates.