
Package Changes

jbomhold3 opened this issue · 1 comments

V1x Targets Bootstrap 4 if your using Bootstrap 4 do not upgrade to the V5x series
V5x Targets Bootstrap 5 use this package is your using Bootstrap 5.

If you use V5.x in a existing V1.x project you will get a ton of compile errors. Just change your package version back to a 1x package.

I actually upgraded an existing v1 to v5 and did make lots of changes to various components.
But i am now facing a funky problem: the blazorStrap.js file is overridden in prod by the _Host.cshtml content, so no client-side scripts work. Only happens in prod, not local.

I've not migrated to the new .net6 model with the single file, sticking to the old style for the time being.

Any clues?

---- update
Fixed; bug is on linux only due to a casing issue blazorstrap.js vs blazorStrap.js; on linux even .net is case sensitive.