This is LifeWay IT's code challenge given to full stack software engineering candidates! Interested in working with our team? Check out open positions here


The premise of this challenge is to create a "profile page" for various star wars characters in the Star Wars universe.


Create a simple single page application that provides the following features:

  • A search bar that takes the characters name as input.
  • A profile containing the following sectional information for the searched character:
    • About Me (height, weight, hair color, date of birth, species information)
    • Films Appeared In
    • Starships Flown

Use SWAPI to obtain all the star wars data that you need.

Use whatever languages or tech you want -- we are looking for clean, testable code that demonstrates usage of common design patterns and best practices above all else.


You will get bonus points if...

  • A decent understanding of React is demonstrated
  • A decent understanding of Next.js is demonstrated
  • A decent understanding of unit/integration testing is demonstrated
  • A basic "gateway" api is created to consolidate and proxy calls to SWAPI
  • You add cool and creative features not included in the spec


Please put your submission in a public github repository to share.

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