
Update file

chandrikadeb7 opened this issue · 15 comments

Update the file with new contributors with the help of some dependabot/action bots.

Can I do it using this website which can auto generate contributor images just by giving the repository name

The output will be like

If you like it I would love to work on this issue as a part of DWOC. Kindly assign it to me

Update the file with new contributors with the help of some dependabot/action bots.

Yes I can do it and add all contributors in it in a tabular format with their image and name in each table
Kindly do assign me @chandrikadeb7

Update the file with new contributors with the help of some dependabot/action bots.

Yes I can do it and add all contributors in it in a tabular format with their image and name in each table
Kindly do assign me @chandrikadeb7

As a part of DWOC or SWOC?

If you like it I would love to work on this issue as a part of DWOC. Kindly assign it to me

Hi, just a request that others should also contribute.. will assign you after you complete the existing assigned issues :)

As a part of DWOC or SWOC?


Is this issue open?? @chandrikadeb7

Is this issue open?? @chandrikadeb7


Is it like adding contributor's names to read me??

@akrish4 What's the progress?

Is it like adding contributor's names to read me??

Yes to the file

If you like it I would love to work on this issue as a part of DWOC. Kindly assign it to me

Hi, just a request that others should also contribute.. will assign you after you complete the existing assigned issues :)

I have completed the previous issue If you want I can do it

@chandrikadeb7 please review the PR

@chandrikadeb7 please review the PR.