
Error "No user .npmrc file found" when file actually exists

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting a 403 when trying to release a private page to the private Github registry.
The project is a fresh turbo project created with yarn dlx create-turbo@latest and a dummy foo package to test the release works.

The logs says the .npmrc file doesn't exist, but it does:

auto-install-peers = true

My release workflow includes:

- name: Create Release Pull Request or Publish to npm
  id: changesets
  uses: changesets/action@v1
    version: yarn run changeset:version # translated as changeset version && yarn install --mode=update-lockfile
    publish: yarn run release-packages # translated as turbo run build --filter='./packages/*' && changeset publish
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Token automatically added by Github

Error output, note the No user .npmrc file found, creating one line.

Run changesets/action@v1
    version: yarn run changeset:version
    publish: yarn run release-packages
    setupGitUser: true
    createGithubReleases: true
    YARN_VERSION: 4.0.2
setting git user
/usr/bin/git config "github-actions[bot]"
/usr/bin/git config "github-actions[bot]"
setting GitHub credentials
No changesets found, attempting to publish any unpublished packages to npm
No user .npmrc file found, creating one
/usr/local/bin/yarn run release-packages
• Packages in scope: @myorg/foo, @repo/eslint-config, @repo/typescript-config, @repo/ui
• Running build in 4 packages
• Remote caching disabled

No tasks were executed as part of this run.

 Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
  Time:    131ms 

🦋  info npm info @myorg/foo
🦋  error Received an unknown error code: E403 for npm info "@myorg/foo"
🦋  error 403 Forbidden - GET - Permission permission_denied: read_package
🦋  error In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting
🦋  error a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or
🦋  error on a server you do not have access to.
Error: Error: The process '/usr/local/bin/yarn' failed with exit code 1
Error: The process '/usr/local/bin/yarn' failed with exit code 1

I've tracked the error to the source code, it's coming from this conditional, on the else block:


Lines 58 to 59 in 2bb9bcb

let userNpmrcPath = `${process.env.HOME}/.npmrc`;
if (fs.existsSync(userNpmrcPath)) {

I had changesets working for another turborepo monorepo with the only notably difference that it was using pnpm.
What is going wrong? perhaps process.env.HOME, but why?

I solved the 403 error, it was due to a misconfiguration on the write permissions for my package.
I had already published this dummy package from another repository so I needed to grant my new repository with write/admin access to the package. Done at

However the log error is still actual. No user .npmrc file found, creating one is still displayed despite me having it, as a proof I cat .npmrc just before the release:

Run cat .npmrc

Run changesets/action@v1
    version: yarn run changeset:version
    publish: yarn run release-packages
    setupGitUser: true
    createGithubReleases: true
    YARN_VERSION: 4.0.2
setting git user
/usr/bin/git config "github-actions[bot]"
/usr/bin/git config "github-actions[bot]"
setting GitHub credentials
No changesets found, attempting to publish any unpublished packages to npm
No user .npmrc file found, creating one
/usr/local/bin/yarn run release-packages
• Packages in scope: @MYORG/my-foo-package, @repo/eslint-config, @repo/typescript-config, @repo/ui
• Running build in 4 packages
• Remote caching disabled

No tasks were executed as part of this run.

 Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
  Time:    117ms 

🦋  info npm info @MYORG/my-foo-package
🦋  info @MYORG/my-foo-package is being published because our local version (2.0.0) has not been published on npm
🦋  info Publishing "@MYORG/my-foo-package" at "2.0.0"
🦋  success packages published successfully:
🦋  @MYORG/my-foo-package@2.0.0
🦋  Creating git tag...
🦋  New tag:  @MYORG/my-foo-package@2.0.0
/usr/bin/git push origin --tags
 * [new tag]         @MYORG/my-foo-package@2.0.0 -> @MYORG/my-foo-package@2.0.0

The changesets/action is hard-coded to only check $HOME/.npmrc. I've provided a work-around here: #58 (comment)