
Code for NIPS 2017 learning to run challenge

Primary LanguagePython


Reason8.ai code for 3th place NIPS learning to run challenge.

We are porting this code to pytorch here


  1. Get opensim package. You can use default package as described here or build by youself faster version here

  2. Run setup script:

     $ ./setup.sh

You may want to change conda env name in script and comment last line if not building opnesim by yourself

  1. If you experience theano errors try to move .theanorc file:

     $ mv ~/.theanorc ~/.theanorc.backup

Running code

  1. Activate environment:

     $ source activate nips_rl_fast3
  2. Run code with best flags:

     $ python run_experiment.py --param_noise_prob 0.3 --flip_prob 1 --layer_norm


The final submitted model was trained in this commit.

There are lot of branches with various ideas tested during competition but without documentation, you could check for example following branches: