Twitter link & Background Waves
Opened this issue · 0 comments
First off, great work with the game, just completed it and it is challenging but educational, sure beats box a, box b, box c blah blah blah. Also great work at Indie Hackers, the industry is heading for a crash with this VC 'ish. YKWIM?
Anyway, the twitter link that opens when the user completes the game is a web intent that is suppose to pop up, not open in a new tab, I suggest you replace it with a traditional link.
i.e. Replace with
Also, what's the deal with waves not being able to run in the background? I started a wave, checked another tab & got the pop up that I'm sure your aware of, then when I typed the code out again, it wouldn't run so I had to refresh. What's up with that?
Keep up the good work!