
Grafana query for chaos mesh gives error.api.bad_request: token is empty

himeshkothari opened this issue · 6 comments

I have installed chaos-mesh in my GKE cluster using helm chart.

As per, I have been able to add Chaos Mesh Data Source but when I try to query data in Grafana using it I receive the error as below


I think it might be related to user credentials who has access via Google OAuth to Chaos Mesh. How do I control this using API requests sent by Grafana to Chaos Mesh to retrieve data ?

Hi, Any update on this ?

Any updates or do we have a solution to this? I am also stuck on the same.

I am also seeing the same issue. Is there anyone who successfully use this?

Just add the Custom HTTP Header Authorization and values Chaos-mesh ServiceAccount generated token as Bearer.

Header: Authorization
Value : Bearer <ServiceAccount Token>


Hi, guys. I realized that this part of the documentation is missing. I'll update the related docs about adding the token to perform requests when deploying Chaos Mesh with dashboard.securityMode=true.