
Metric idea: Communication Inclusivity in Event Focus Area

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CHAOSS D&I Badging recently had a Pilot Testing phase.

During that time, @ElizabethN opened an issue for providing feedback for the process, which lives here - badging/event-diversity-and-inclusion#8

A particular fraction of the feedback contained these questions that can be asked to a CHAOSS Badging Applicant:

  - is the event website accessible for visually and hearing impaired folks?
  - is the venue wheelchair friendly?
  - are there sign language interpreters or closed captioning available?
  - are there resources for visually impaired folks? (Volunteers to assist as guides, alternative versions of schedules in Braille or available besides just online?)

This part of the feedback can possibly be looked into and expanded upon to create a new Event focus area metric about how the talks and other conference material can be made more accessible.

These are encompassed in our Event Accessibility Metric.