
Metric Idea: Mode Alternatives / Communication Channels

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Discussed in 2020-10-07 meeting.


Create a new metric about inclusivity of different Communication Channels for open community discussion


In today's WG meeting, we briefly discussed how inclusivity is a factor to consider when picking or using different synchronous or asynchronous communication tools. I mentioned a recent example from my work where I recently started working with blind colleagues, and had to evaluate how inclusive the tools and resources I maintain are for the blind.

I also mentioned how communities use different platforms, and the value of meeting people where they are. This is a perspective I see often as a co-maintainer of TeleIRC, a tool to bridge IRC/Matrix channels and Telegram groups together. I think it is something that is not well-understood or discussed in the Open Source community.


I volunteered to kickstart a first draft using the metrics template. Then, we can do the workshopping we do in the D&I meetings on the first draft and go from there.

To keep me responsible, I intend to have a first draft by the D&I WG meeting on Wednesday, 11 November.


Build understanding and awareness for how to make inclusivity a key consideration when picking communication tools for an open source project

Discussed in 2020-11-11 meeting.

As promised, I shared my first draft in today's WG meeting: Public Chat Rooms - CHAOSS D&I Metric (draft). We had time for a short collaborative brainstorm, but ran out of time to go deep on it. We will cover this one more in depth at next week's meeting.

@germonprez right now, this PR is labeled as "Under Community Review" in the CHAOSS Metrics worksheet. I'm assuming it should "Ready to be worked on", but I didn't make that change.

Hi @jwflory!

The document is now here:

Does this satisfy the metric idea you originally had for this? Should we split it into a new metric?

I think this can be closed, as the metric was released a while ago.