
Metric Idea: Decision Making to Governance Focus Area

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In talking about inclusion in OS, and just running a project a question that comes up a lot is, how do we setup for decision making.

I think this should be added to 'governance' under diversity and inclusion metrics, and that one of the resources be: (there may be more but this is helpful I find to help unstick people).

If you want to give feedback, I can submit a PR if others agree. thanks

Thanks for the feedback @emmairwin. Which metric in particular are you talking about? Or! Is this a new metric :)

Governance! (sorry). Decision making is central in governance, and we have nothing around it yet (that I can see)

Got it! So this is about adding a 'decision making' metric in the governance focus area. I think this is a great idea and, you're right, not something that we address right now.

I've added the 'metric idea' label to this issue

I believe this is covered in the Communication Transparency and Inclusive Leadership metrics, so I'm going to close this for now. Feel free to re-open if I got that wrong! Thanks everyone!!