
Revising Metric: Time Inclusion for Virtual Events

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Name of the Metric Being Revised

Time Inclusion for Virtual Events

Link to Original Metric Release Issue


Specific Metric Details that Require Attention

  • 'Examples of Time Inclusion' should be 'Examples of Time Inclusion for Virtual Events'
  • How is 'Network bandwidth' part of the metric?
  • How is 'low bandwidth' part of the metric?
  • Update the Likert Scale from [1-5] to [1-x]
  • For survey of speakers, why is the second point important?
  • Update the references to the actual title
  • Add date of last review



  • Create the “revising metric” labeled issue in the authoring WG’s repo for comments during review period
  • Create pull request of revised metric to WG’s repo (after checking Content Quality and Technical Requirements below)
  • Add the metric revision to release notes issue in working group repo
  • Update the Metrics Spreadsheet to indicate that the revised metric is under review
  • Create issue in CHAOSS/Translations repository to kick-off translation to other languages (please use the the translation issue template)
  • "Metric Candidate Release" label added to the metric release candidate issue when fully ready fo release

When above steps are completed:

  • Announce new/updated metric on mailing list, newsletter, community Zoom call, and Twitter. This can be coordinated with the community manager and can be done as a collective of all revised metrics from the CHAOSS community.

Content Quality (check all that apply)

  • Date of last review has been added to the revised metric at the bottom of the markdown file (month/year)
  • Formatting changes have been made
  • Minor editorial changes have been made
  • Major editorial changes have been made
  • Metric adheres to the current metrics template
  • Metric name has changed and necessary updates are made to the WG README table and metrics tracking spreadsheet

Technical Requirements for any Revisions

  • Metric file name is the full metric name and only contains lower case letters and hyphens (“-”) for spaces
  • Images are included using markdown and absolute path links (as described in the metrics template)
  • Images have at least one empty line above and below them
  • Images are placed in image folder and followed naming convention
  • If new a focus area is created, ensure focus area is added to wg repo readme and focus area folder readme
  • There is no HTML code in the metrics markdown file

Hey @germonprez ! Do you think that this issue is okay to take for newcomers to the chaoss community? I would love to contribute to this issue in some way

Yes! I would suggest that you make suggested changes via a PR to address some or all of the notes in this Issue.

Thanks. Ill try my best :)

Here is where the PR should go:
Also, can you change the name of the file to match the name of the metric? (

Issues solved:
'Examples of Time Inclusion' should be 'Examples of Time Inclusion for Virtual Events'
Update the Likert Scale from [1-5] to [1-x]
Update the references to the actual title
Add date of last review
change file name

Issues unsolved:
How is 'Network bandwidth' part of the metric?
How is 'low bandwidth' part of the metric?
For survey of speakers, why is the second point important?

klumb commented

Closing this issue
The translation task still needs to happen but the table was updated so this can be done in bulk