DDA monsters have multiple attacks of subtype spell, ignores all but last
Shad0wBlad321 opened this issue · 4 comments
DEBUG : mon_archon specifies more than one attack of (sub)type spell, ignoring all but the last. Add different id
s to each attack of this type to prevent this.
FUNCTION : void mtype::add_special_attack(const JsonObject&, const std::string&)
FILE : src/monstergenerator.cpp
LINE : 1495
VERSION : cdda-experimental-2024-08-04-2117 5dca8af
Getting this too, prevents loading world.
Ugh, I need to figure out how to fix it sometime, been busy a lot lately.
Take your time. Just making you aware. Don't feel obligated to do it fast if you're busy since you're doing this for free after all.
It seems to be simply requiring a unique ID to each attack when a monster has multiple special attacks that are of the same type (in this case spell).
By adding "id": "arcana_monster_archon_stare_1" in the example below the error goes away.
{ "type": "spell", "id": "arcana_monster_archon_stare_1", "spell_data": { "id": "stare" }, "monster_message": "", "cooldown": 50 },
They seem to have also changed the "see_cost" from an integer to a string. I don't know what the new values mean I have substituted 5 with "high", 2 with "low" and added "see_cost": "none" where there is empty space as the game now seems to require it. I have attached my version of the updated files that allow me to run the game seemingly without errors. My apologies for not doing a pull request however I am not a programmer and have no idea how to use git.