
[Support Request] Sync scx to remote HEAD

Closed this issue · 6 comments

What happens?

Recently, I met an issue where the scx program cannot work properly on my laptop with meteor lake CPU. It turns out that it has something to do with the recent changes the contributors made in the scx repo.

More context information available at sched-ext/scx#195

What is expected to happen?

Expect scx program works properly with meteor lake CPU.

If possible, please attach logs

⯁ ~ ❯❯❯ grep . /sys/devices/system/node/node*/cpu*/cache/index*/id
fish: No matches for wildcard '/sys/devices/system/node/node*/cpu*/cache/index*/id'. See `help wildcards-globbing`.
grep . /sys/devices/system/node/node*/cpu*/cache/index*/id

More information

The contributor already fixed the issue, so requesting to sync upstream HEAD to include the fixes. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, I won't be in front of a proper computer till Monday

Sorry, I won't be in front of a proper computer till Monday

No hurry at all. Thanks for you kind reply in sched-ext/scx#195.

@yqlbu, do think you can push a PR? You should be able to do it by updating pkgs/scx/common.nix and all the Cargo.lock inside pkgs/scx (running cargo generate-lockfile inside each directory within a clone of the original repo).

@yqlbu, do think you can push a PR? You should be able to do it by updating pkgs/scx/common.nix and all the Cargo.lock inside pkgs/scx (running cargo generate-lockfile inside each directory within a clone of the original repo).

Hi Pedro, actually I've made an attempt but no luck - failed in the compilation step. I have no clue what is going on TBH.

Solved in #655

Solved in #655

Thanks for the kind help man!