
Enums declared in structs are not handled correctly

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Tested with Burnout Revenge (Alpha 7)'s executable, SLUS_212.42.

When an enum declared within a struct is parsed, the following error occurs: [ccc/stabs.cpp:261] error: Expected ':' or ',', got ';' (3b).

In this case, the error is caused by members of CB4AIDebug, which should look something like this when parsed correctly:

struct CB4AIDebug {
    enum { eRenderLanesNone, eRenderLanesNearPlayer, /* Continues... */ } meRenderLanes;
    enum { eRenderCornersNone, eRenderCornersAll,  /* Continues... */ } meRenderCorners;
    enum { eLaneDrawLaneType, eLaneDrawResetType, eLaneDrawCount } meLaneDrawType;
    // Rest of the structure is parsed without issue

If needed, this is the symbol in question:


Notably, this isn't isolated. I've had at least 2 other executables with the same issue.

Good timing, I just started working on ccc again a couple days ago. I'm in the process of rewriting the AST and printing code. By the time I'm done this bug should be fixed.

Fixed it. There were two problems: (1) Inline enum types causing a parsing error, and, get this: (2) The symbol name right at the start of each STABS symbol is not escaped, so it can contain a :: (namespace separator) even though the field is supposed to be terminated by a ':', I think only in the case where the namespace separator is part of a template parameter. 🙃

You'll have to wait until I'm done with the rest of the rewrite for it to be merged to master.

Alright, I'll merge it now. I don't think I'm entirely done with it yet, but I think it's already better than what's currently on main.