
Some questions about program execution

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Hello, may I ask if this program can run on a Windows environment? I always encounter this error after setting up the environment on Windows, do you happen to know the reason for this error?

ImportError: SystemError: <built-in method contains of dict object at 0x000002391EEDF120> returned a result with an error set


@HNU-YWB Sorry, I don't try it on the Windows platform. It may be caused by the version of TensorFlow or Python. So I recommend you to use the Ubuntu platform and the given environment setting.

@HNU-YWB Sorry, I don't try it on the Windows platform. It may be caused by the version of TensorFlow or Python. So I recommend you to use the Ubuntu platform and the given environment setting.

Thank you for your help.

@HNU-YWB OK. If you have questions subsquently , pease keep contacting me.