File Tree

├── kernels (the dir storing kernels)
│    └──mm2 (the dir to build kernel)
│       ├── build
│       │   ├── kernel.bc
│       │   └── kernel.ll
│       ├── mm2.c
│       ├── Makefile
│       └── param.json
├── Makefile
├── outputs	(the outputs of the HIT-CGRA-Mapper)
│   └── mm2_0 (NAME_SUFFIX)
│       ├── dfg.json
│       ├── mm2(cp the workbench/kernels/NAME here to save)
│       │   ├── build
│       │   │   ├── kernel.bc
│       │   │   └── kernel.ll
│       │   ├── mm2.c
│       │   ├── Makefile
│       │   └── param.json
│       ├── mm2_0.png
│       ├──
│       └── param.json
└── scripts (scripts to help build)

Quick Start

  1. make sure you have build HIT-CGRA-Mapper,If you haven't completed it yet, please read README of HIT-CGRA-Mapper
  2. add CGRA_WORKBENCH to ~/.bashrc
    1. vim ~/.bashrc then add at the last line,for example "export CGRA_WORKBENCH=/home/user/workbench"
    2. source ~/.bashrc
  3. cd $CGRA_WORKBENCH,run "make KERNEL=conv3" to run the default kernel "conv3"

Add Your kernels

  1. mkdir for your kernel, you can name the folder according to your preferences. the name of the folder is the kernel's NAME
  2. write the Makefile for your kernel,Reference ./kernels/mm2/Makefile.Make sure if your run “make” in ./kernels/yourkernel, build dir is generated and kernel.bc is in it. and run "make clean" rm the build dir.


  1. make cmd include
    1. run: build your kernel in ./kernels/NAME,and run the HIT-CGRA-Mapper to generate the result. default run mm2
    2. gdb: build your kernel in ./kernel/NAME,and run HIT-CGRA-Mapper through GDB to find bugs in the HIT-CGRA-Mapper
    3. clean: rm the ./kernel/NAME/build
  2. make param
    1. KERNEL : the kernel you want to build,run or clean
    2. SUFFIX : give a suffix to your kernel, to diff the different output of the same kernel.the default suffix is _0
  3. example
	make KERNEL=NAME SUFFIX=test gdb
	make KERNEL=NAME clean