
Compose disposals in controller

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi guys,

I have an issue - i can't get access to compositions in event listeners.

show: ->
  @compose 'details', Details, {attrs}

  list = @compose 'list', List, {attrs}
  @listenTo list, 'details:show', @_doSomething

_doSomething: ->
  # This fails because details composition is `stale=true`
  el = @compose 'details'

Solution 1:

@details = @compose 'details', Details, {attrs}

on controller dispose @details will be disposed even it is present in next composition. This is fail.

Solution 2:

scopeVar = null

class Screen extends Chaplin.Controller
  show: ->
    scopeVar = @compose 'details', Details, {attrs}

it looks sucks.

I have 2 proposals:

  1. Rework composition so it will not have stale state after method execution

  2. Make some convention like @__details = ... if it starts with __ it will not be disposed as @ disposals.

What do you think?


See the proposal for changing @compose API to @share, @reuse and @retrieve in gh-643 which effectively solves this issue.

We are looking forward to adding it.

Ok great, currently this adds to my big Chaplin app some mess

@paulmillr i see it's pretty old (~5 months ago) discussion. Maybe it make sense to crate draft and start working on it? i can help

Yes — would be great if you can help with this.

Feel free to ask me if you will have any questions on predicted problems.