
Model not set in Backbone Collection

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This is my first attempt to use Chaplin and I am running into an issue.

I have an existing HTML application that uses Backbone. It makes a call to a rest api to synchronize a collection. I'm attempting to port this code to use Chaplin.

The problem is that after a rest api call finishes, the Backbone.Collection object does not have its model assigned so the Collection.Set method fails. I discovered this stepping through the javascript executing in Chrome.

My chaplin model is defined below:

define [
], (_, Chaplin, Collection, Apple) ->
  'use strict'

  class Apples extends Collection

    # Mix in a SyncMachine
    _.extend @prototype, Chaplin.SyncMachine

    comparator: 'id'

    # rest api address
    url: "//localhost:3000/api/fruits"

    model: Apple

    initialize: ->

    # parse method    
    parse: (data) ->
      console.log 'in parse method'
      response = data.response
      #does some parsing here....

The precise line where things error out in backbone.js is line 683

 id = attrs[targetModel.prototype.idAttribute];

this.model is undefined

It was my fault, I didn't actually put any code inside the Apple model implementation.