
Bug related to :manage and using multiple operations in permission definition

vittorius opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey there. I've spotted a couple of cases where behavior doesn't seem logical:

role :admin, proc { |user| user.admin? } do
  can :manage, Merchant # can? :edit @merchant is AccessDenied, :read is OK
role :admin, proc { |user| user.admin? } do
  can [:manage], Merchant # can? :edit @merchant is AccessDenied, :read is AccessDenied
role :admin, proc { |user| user.admin? } do
  can [:manage, :edit], Merchant # can? :edit @merchant is AccessDenied, :read is AccessDenied

❓ ❓ ❓

can :manage is only a shortcut right now, it doesn't work with other attributes or inside an array, but this is worth improving so your examples can work, too :)

role :admin, proc { |user| user.admin? } do
  can :manage, Merchant # can? :read @merchant is OK
  can :edit, Merchant # can? :edit @merchant is OK

OK, will take into account. I'm your beta tester for today 😄

Yeah, see this:

So when you provide other permissions in separate can calls it will work :)

OK, will take into account. I'm your beta tester for today 😄

I appreciate that! :D