Accessing job output inside workflow
dmitrypol opened this issue · 1 comments
dmitrypol commented
I have one job that downloads file and then I queue multiple jobs to process each row in the file. How do I access the file path inside the Workflow (not descendant job) so I can loop through it? I need to get payloads output and assign it to variable but after studying the code I do not see a solution.
class DownloadCsvJob < Gush::Job
def perform
class ImportWorkflow < Gush::Workflow
def configure
run DownloadCsvJob
csv_jobs = CSV.foreach("path/to/data.csv").map do |row|
run ImportCsvRowJob, params: row, after: DownloadCsvJob
run GenReportJob, after: csv_jobs
Another use case is when one job performs some kind of check and the subsequent job(s) are queued based on the results of that.
Thank you very much.
pokonski commented
It is not possible because Workflow and its jobs are defined only once, during the creation. So it has no access to the output of jobs, because they are not even executed at that moment :)