
This guide aims to be a full instruction on how to download and merge Refinitiv (formerly Thomson Reuters) Datastream Worldscope data into one comprehensive dataset of yearly stock quoted financial statements.

Primary LanguageR


This guide aims to be a full instruction on how to download and merge Refinitiv (formerly Thomson Reuters) Datastream Worldscope data into one comprehensive dataset of yearly stock quoted financial statements.


Empirical databases such as Compustat provide a fully structured dataset of stock quoted firms. However, the Compustat access may not be available in some institutions due to its costliness. Refinitiv Eikon offers an unstructured alternative. Due to the lack in a structured dataset, different individuals may result with different data which limits the reproducibility of studies. Therefore, this repository offers a proposition on how to download and merge Worldscope data via the Refinitiv Eikon Excel Add-in. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the full dataset because the data is owned by Refinitiv. Nevertheless, some templates for the data download are provided.


For very small requests, the Datastream Web Service API might be an alternative (https://developers.refinitiv.com/content/dam/devportal/api-families/eikon/datastream-web-service/documentation/manuals-and-guides/datastream-refinitiv-dsws-r.pdf).


To access the Refinitiv Eikon database, your institution needs an account. Further, you must install the Add-in for Microsoft Excel, which can be downloaded here: https://eikon.thomsonreuters.com/index.html

Before you start

For unexperienced R users it might seem tricky to get the right directory. Therefore, I recommend klicking on the green button to download "Code" and the content of this repository. Then, extract the folder and open it. Only work within this datastructure and save your files in the folder "rawdata".



This guide consists of three steps:

  1. Selecting the firms and downloading firm identifiers.
  2. Downloading the time-series data.
  3. Merging the data.

Selecting the firms and downloading firm identifiers:

a) Follow the selections as shown in the screenshot:

a1) Open the "Refinitiv Eikon Datastream" tab
a2) Go on "Find Series"
a3) Category: Select "Equities"
a4) Type: Select "Equity" (exclude ETF's, and other type of funds)
a5) Security: Select "Major" (exclude minor securities)
a6) Quote: Select "Primary" (exclude secondary quotes)

Refiniv Eikon Datastream selection parameters

Now you have a worldwide selection of all qualified equities! In January 2021 there are over 133 000 available firms. However, you can only export up to 10’000 firms to Excel at once.

b) Select some of the countries you want to download data for by filtering them by "Market" that the number of selected firms is below 10 000. Then a small Excel symbol on the top right corner of the window appears. Klick on it!
If your selected countries have more than 10 000 firms (e.g. the United States) use the sector filters (or any other filters) to temporarily include and exclude firms. Market selection

c) Combine your downloaded Excel sheets by copying and pasting the output below one another. Make sure you only copy the data and not the variable headers such as Name, Symbol, RIC and so forth.

d) The native sector classification in column J might not be sufficient for most studies. Therefore, it is necessary to retrieve additional industry identifiers (here we add the Datastream industry group (INDC) and the SIC (WC07021). Open the template (StaticData_template and paste your static data in the template.

e) Click in cells M1 N1 to adapt the following highlighted row length of your static data. It may take a while to retrieve the data, depending on the number of firms. Row length

f) Save the file in the folder /rawdata/Static Data. Now your static data is ready.

Downloading the time-series data:

a) Open the .xlsx file TSData_template.

b) Paste your data in column B from your StaticData.xlsx into column A of your TSData_template.xslx. Skip the column header.

c) Click on cell B1, where the Datastream formula is rooted and if needed make the following changes: c1) Adapt the row number to the length of your column A. c2) Change the expression if needed (here WC08001 refers to the market capitalization). c3) Change the start date. c4) Change the end date.

d) Refresh the data. This might take a while, depending on the size of the request.

e) Save the file in the folder /rawdata/TS Data. Choose the filename carefully as it will be the variable name in the final dataset.

f) Duplicate the file and save it under a different variable name.

g) Open it and change the expression. The Thomson Financial Worldscope provides a comprehensive list of the Worldscope code. If for instance you look up the code for total assets (02999), your formula must contain the expression "WC02999" to work.

Merging the data:

a) Open the R project file called "Requests-to-rawData.Rproj". The project will automatically change your working directory.

b) Make sure you saved your files in the corresponding folder as indicated above.

c) Run the code. You now should have a structured dataset containing Worldscope data.

I hope this guide is helpful to you. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!