The previous forum react was developed according to laravel and due to laravel backend send data as object and handling it in react was different cause at time of node js data was sent as array ...So, data rendering and loops are changed according to node Js.
The forum is built for sharing people's daylife issues and getting solution from other's .... The back end is delivered from laravel in this case.
- Account Authentication
- Hashed Password
- Password Recovery with Mail
- Post Like/Dislike
- Comment Like/Dislike
- Reporting Posts
- Viewing Individual User Profile and Their Posts
- Deleting Comments and Posts
- Image Converting in Database
Inside index.js file you will see two line code about ...
axios.defaults.baseurl and headers.common.['Authorization'] I am running my backend at localhost:8000 so it was written that change it according to your server link.
Our main focus was authentication and auth and other forum features like comment ... reports.
So, we did miss some stuffs like converting datetime into real localeString. You can do it using tolocaleString('en-US', { year : 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day : '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', hour12 : true})
I may add some other feauters if you guys ask and inspire me !!!
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project //The folder where everything you keep
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start