
Previz Cinema4D integration plugin

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Previz Cinema4D integration


This plugin requires a Python 2 development environment.


  • Create and activate a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $
  • To use a locally cloned previz-python-api repository, pip install it as a linked / editable dependencies before installing the other dependencies:
(env) $ pip install -e /path/to/previz-python-wrapper
  • Install the dependencies:
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Sync the plugin to the plugin folder of the Cinema4D installation. This requires rsync executable.
python setup.py rsync_cinema4d_plugin --destination=JohnDoe-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/john/Library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA4D/plugins
  • There is currently no command on Windows at the moment to install the plugin into the plugin folder. Use xcopy:
xcopy build\lib\Py-Previz "C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R17_8DE13DAD\plugins\Py-Previz" /E


setup.py defines a bdist_cinema4d_plugin command that build an addon archive in the dist directory.

# Build from a clean virtual env
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate

# Install the dependencies
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run [bumpversion](https://github.com/peritus/bumpversion) to update release version
# This will add a new git tag and will commit the new version
# Version types are: major, minor, patch
(env) $ bumpversion patch

# Build the addon archive
(env) $ python setup.py bdist_cinema4d_plugin
(env) $ ls dist