
Clamshell mode?

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does this work with clamshell mode? I currently have charging at 100%, but I wish it to discharge to 80% despitebeing connected to the adapter. However, my laptop is in clamshell mode (closed and connected to external monitor), which, when I disable the adapter, it goes to sleep immediately.

Yes, the charge limit should work as long as you plug the power supply in and adapter is not disabled. However, discharging is not possible (yet). This is due to Apple's limitations (not allowing clamshell mode with power unplugged). If you disable the adapter, it is the same as unplugging the power supply so Apple will not allow this. You can try some 3rd apps to overcome this limit (like Amphetamine) to allow clamshell mode with power unplugged. Maybe batt can integrate this in the future.