
textinput does not work well with pinyin(Chinese) input method

shafreeck opened this issue · 16 comments


As the image showed above, the textinput bubble can not render correctly when input with an input method?

PS: here I use gum to just give an example

Hi @shafreeck are you still having this issue? If so, could you please let us know? Thank you!

@shafreeck what OS and IME are you using? Bubble Tea has had IME support for quite some time, though we've only tested on Windows on macOS.

Please do let us know—this one is important to us.

In Linux, with fcitx5 Chinese input method, the candidate box position is incorrect, displayed outside the TUI program.

It works great on Linux + fcitx5 + wezterm + DWM


@fzdwx 你清屏在顶部看看,会不会在最下面。
Peek 2023-12-06 17-33

I installed fcitx5-input-support (archlinux) this might help you guys.

@fzdwx 你这个不全屏的, 我是全屏的

i think the actual position of the cursor is not correct.

@fzdwx 我是说你 tui 程序

他这个确实没有跟随,我发的那个只是解决了 wezterm 的问题。


Aha, so it is the cursor position indeed. It's particularly noticeable when the altscreen is active because the cursor is always kept in the bottom left corner.

So we're keen to solve this one (international support is very important to us) but it will require some work both here in the Bubbles library as well as in Bubble Tea core renderer.

Thanks, everyone, for the insight and let us know if you discover any other issues.

@meowgorithm Thank you for the work you've done. Although it's not very urgent, it would be great if it could be fixed.