
Extended Latin characters not supported in textinput on Windows

Closed this issue · 11 comments

First of all, thanks for this amazing libraries.
In the textinput and the textarea bubble, the latin accentuated characters (ex. éàêâö) aren't supported. This keys are bypassed. It's a little bit annoying if you working with some language (like french :-). This issue (or non-feature) is also in "gum" and "huh".
Is there a solution for working with this characters ?
Thanks for your time, have a good day (or night :-)

Hi there! This shouldn't be the case; we have tested this library with diacritics and extended Latin fairly extensively.

What terminal emulator, operating system, and window manager are you using?

I tried some possibilities. I'm on windows 10. This won't work correctly on the official terminal emulator with powershell config and cmd config. Same with VS Code's terminal, Wezterm, the powershell original console (without emulator) and the cmd console.
Buuuut... (drum roll) work perfectly fine on debian with the linux subsystem.
All the output works, but I have the same issue with all the input (also with the filter in the list).

Okay, so perhaps it's a Windows issue. The majority of our testing on Windows has been around IME (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) whereas we've spent more time with Latin diacritics on Linux and macOS.

While unlikely, this could also be related to physical keyboards sending diacritics on Windows. Am I correct to assume you're using a proper AZERTY keyboard to enter characters like é, è, and à?

Additionally, what gets inputted when you send a ç?

Finally, what's your locale (i.e. fr_FR.UTF-8)?

It's exact, I use a AZERTY keyboard and the layout is fr_FR.
When I try with the "ç" (and the "ù"), nothing's happening. With the euro symbol (altGr+e) it's different, it replaced by the "?".
Finally I tried to pass à diacritic as KeyMsg. Same result, nothing's happening when I press the specified key.
I don't know if it helps, but the other characters on the same keys (accessible with Shift and altGr) works fine.

Hi! We have another report of this over at charmbracelet/bubbletea#907 which is probably a better place for this issue. I'm going to close this one; let’s continue the conversation there.

Hi! This is indeed a better place.

Good news! @aymanbagabas’s mystical PR charmbracelet/bubbletea#878 will fix this issue. We'll update here when we merge.

Amazing ! Thanks for your efforts.

This is now fixed in Bubble Tea on master and will be available in the next Bubble Tea release.

Hi! Thanks a lot for this enhancement and for your work.

I finally tried with the master branch and it works perfectly under Windows (cmd, Powershell, Wezterm and Windows terminal emulator). I also saw that now the resize signal also works "out of the box" in Windows. Thank you again for this improvement and for all your works.