
Model disappearing then i have to restart it to view it again

guidoenr opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I am using bubble tea to show a display containing X jobs (we could call these JOBS as operations done in graphql which take an estimated 3 to 7 minutes, all these jobs are executed concurrently).

The model looks perfect - it shows what it should show.

But a bug occurs very sporadically which I am having a hard time determining and maybe you guys understand better what could be the cause - it basically consists in that the whole model "disappears" in my terminal at a random moment of the execution, and I have to close the model (exit) and then open it again so I can see the model content again - and then everything works normally. (sometimes I have to do this several times to be able to see the model again, such as i showed in the video)

(in the video you can see this bug perfectly and could even be better understood)

Please complete the following information along with version numbers, if applicable.

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 | Kali Linux | PopOs (the bug happens in all of these O.S)
  • Shell: bash
  • Terminal Emulator: python3
  • Terminal Multiplexer: terminator

Venti (this binary runs a tea.Model) typing the dash command (you can see it in the video)

func (cmd *dashCmdStruct) run(args []string) error {
	// suppress most logging to avoid messing up the display

	p := dash.NewProgram()

	// run the model
	model, err := p.Run()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error running Dash:", err)

	// init the model

	return nil

And here it his the Update function

func (m *Model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	var (
		cmd  tea.Cmd
		cmds []tea.Cmd

	switch msg := msg.(type) {

	case tea.KeyMsg:
		if m, cmd := m.handleKeyPress(msg); m != nil {
			return m, cmd
	case tea.WindowSizeMsg:, msg.Height)
		m.list.SetHeight(msg.Height - 2) // -2 for the status bar
		m.progress.Width = msg.Width - 4 // -4 for the borders
	case []*testjob.Job:
		return m.onJobsLoaded(msg)
	case tickMsg:
		cmd = m.progress.SetPercent(m.percentage)
		return m, tea.Batch(tickCmd(), cmd, loadJobs())

	// FrameMsg is sent when the progress bar wants to animate itself
	case progress.FrameMsg:
		progressModel, cmd := m.progress.Update(msg)
		m.progress = progressModel.(progress.Model)
		return m, cmd
	case error:
		return m.onError(msg)
	case View:
		return m.onViewChange(msg)

	m.list, cmd = m.list.Update(msg)
	cmds = append(cmds, cmd), cmd =
	cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
	return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)

I will provide more code details if needed

Video triggering the bug:

Hey guys, i think found the bug - i am able to keep the model displayed.

Sorry for opening this.