
does Update() get called even when there are no keys being pressed?

aravindanvenkataraju opened this issue · 0 comments


I have just started using this library (pretty new to golang, as well), and I am following the youtube video tutorial where text input is used to input answers for a series of questions. What I am noticing is that Update function is getting called even though no keys are being pressed.

I have added log.Println("update is called. type: ", msg) as the default case in the switch stmt of Update() function and I can see this log getting printed atleast twice per second with information. What is the struct that is getting printed here?

sample log below.

DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:09 update is called. type:  {}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:09 update is called. type:  {}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:09 update is called. type:  {0 40}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:09 question: What is your favourite editor?, answer: nvim
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:10 update is called. type:  {0 41}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:10 update is called. type:  {}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:10 update is called. type:  {}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:11 update is called. type:  {}
DEBUG 2024/04/01 22:33:11 update is called. type:  {}

I believe this is not an issue, but a gap in my understanding. Could you please help me understand why this is happening? Any further documentations that I should go through?

Below is the code:

package main

import (

	tea ""

type Styles struct {
	BorderColor lipgloss.Color
	InputField  lipgloss.Style

type model struct {
	index       int
	questions   []Question
	answerField textinput.Model
	width       int
	height      int
	styles      *Styles

type Question struct {
	question string
	answer   string

func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
	return nil

func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	var cmd tea.Cmd
	current := &m.questions[m.index]
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
		m.width = msg.Width
		m.height = msg.Height
	case tea.KeyMsg:
		switch msg.String() {
		case "ctrl+c", "esc":
			return m, tea.Quit
		case "enter":
			current.answer = m.answerField.Value()
			log.Printf("question: %s, answer: %s\n", current.question, current.answer)
			return m, nil
		log.Println("update is called. type: ", msg)
	m.answerField, cmd = m.answerField.Update(msg)
	return m, cmd

func (m model) View() string {
	if m.width == 0 {
		return "Loading...."
	return lipgloss.Place(

func New() *model {
	questions := []Question{
		NewQuestion("What is your name?"),
		NewQuestion("What is your favourite editor?"),
		NewQuestion("What is your favourit quote?"),
	answerField := textinput.New()
	answerField.Placeholder = "Your answer here..."
	return &model{
		questions:   questions,
		answerField: answerField,
		styles:      DefaultStyles(),

func (m *model) Next() {
	if m.index < len(m.questions)-1 {
	} else {
		m.index = 0

func NewQuestion(question string) Question {
	return Question{question: question}

func DefaultStyles() *Styles {
	s := new(Styles)
	s.BorderColor = lipgloss.Color("36")
	s.InputField = lipgloss.NewStyle().BorderForeground(s.BorderColor).BorderStyle(lipgloss.NormalBorder()).Padding(1).Width(80)
	return s

func main() {
	f, err := tea.LogToFile("debug.log", "DEBUG")
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	m := New()
	p := tea.NewProgram(m, tea.WithAltScreen())
	if _, err := p.Run(); err != nil {