
Ciphertext Error with newly linked Client on self-hosted instance

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I recently tried to self-host charm using the docker-compose file from this repository.
I am running charm behind Nginx with SSL certificates and I am able to use it on a single client. I am able to see files generated through charm fs cp ... and also skate or charm kv generates the corresponding databases.

So I added a second client through charm link I get a success and can see the key in charm keys.

However, when I try to run charm fs ls / on the second client, I receive an error.

Error: open /: Couldn't validate the authenticity of the ciphertext and associated data.

Trying to link a third client gives the same result/error.

Also I can see in the logs that the client tries to authenticate, which returns a 200 success. And when trying to use charm fs I see the server returning 200 as well in the logs. So it seems the client is somewhat broken or having trouble decrypting the contents?

charm         | 2022/01/24 14:22:07 <- GET /v1/fs//
charm         | 2022/01/24 14:23:40 -> 200 OK 317B 1.384314ms

Using the same command on the first client returns my folder list. Any idea what I'm missing?

Nevermind, I completely wiped the data folder and restarted charm. Apparently it works now.