How to print a formatted table?
crdpa opened this issue · 1 comments
crdpa commented
My table string is like this:
| Artist | Song | Album | Plays |
| Pure Wrath | Years of Silence | Hymn to the Woeful Hearts | 1 |
| Dio | When a Woman Cries | Dream Evil | 1 |
| Intestine Baalism | Tyrant | An Anatomy of the Beast | 1 |
| Amorphis | The Wolf | Halo | 1 |
| Amorphis | The Moon | Halo | 1 |
But the output is just formatting the headers.
Here is the code:
rows, err := database.Query(`SELECT,,, COUNT(*) as count FROM songs LEFT JOIN albums ON songs.album = LEFT JOIN artists ON albums.artist = WHERE date>=date('2022-01-01') GROUP BY ORDER BY count DESC`)
if err != nil {
table = fmt.Sprintf("| Artist | Song | Album | Plays |\n---\n")
for rows.Next() {
rows.Scan(&artistName, &songName, &albumName, &plays)
table += fmt.Sprintf("| %s | %s | %s | %s |\n", artistName, songName, albumName, plays)
out, err = glamour.Render(table, "dark")
I attached a screenshot of the output. The first is the glamour output and right below is the table variable printed as it is.
muesli commented
Your separator doesn't look right. It should probably read:
| Artist | Song | Album | Plays |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Pure Wrath | Years of Silence | Hymn to the Woeful Hearts | 1 |
| Dio | When a Woman Cries | Dream Evil | 1 |
| Intestine Baalism | Tyrant | An Anatomy of the Beast | 1 |
| Amorphis | The Wolf | Halo | 1 |
| Amorphis | The Moon | Halo | 1 |