
Code to control a home-made robotic arm with a game controller

Primary LanguagePython

Robot Arm by Sam G

Please read me

This is code for controlling servos through an arduino through a computer. This is a hobbyist program for Science Olympiad's Robot Arm event. Below, I have explained the contents of this project. Feel free to fork! Submit a pull request and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

arduino-side has all the code for the arduino
  1. StandardFirmata.ino: Arduino's default Firmata implementation
  • TODO: mod the Firmata implementation for Stepper Motors

computer-side has all the code for the computer
  1. master.py
  • This contains GUI code
  • This is the runable file
  • This file spawns all of the subprocesses
  • All pyGame events are processed here
  • Delegates events and other tasks to automatic_control.py and manual_control.py
  1. automatic_control.py
  • This contains code that controls the Robot autonomously
  • Although the specific routine is autonomous, you can still spontaneously start/stop/skip to next/go to last...
  • Sends commands to servo.py
  1. manual_control.py
  • This contains code that controls the Robot with a joystick
  • It supports several different modes
  • Sends commands to servo.py
  1. servo.py
  • This contains code for manipulating servos
  • Can manipulate servos individually, or can manipulate the robot as a whole
  • It sends commands to communication.py
  1. communication.py
  • This code contains the specifics about communicating with arduinos
  • Uses pyFirmata to communicate over a serial port with the arduino
  • It sends firmata data over serial to the arduino