
Update to chart.js 2.6?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I've just tried out the example graph, and it works with chart.js 2.5, but not with 2.6 (no other changes).

Initial console error:

Chart.BarFunnel.js:88 Uncaught TypeError: this.calculateBarX is not a function
at n.updateElement (Chart.BarFunnel.js:88)

I just experienced the same thing trying to get this project up & running for a PoC.

It seems to be related to chartjs/Chart.js#4044. Will dig a bit.

Edit: I decided to go another path, but the PR above seems to be where it broke as the internals used by this plugin totally changed. That's the risk of using internal stuff for a plugin I guess.

Does anyone know how to fix it?
Are there any plans to update the plugin?

I'm trying to use this and another plugin, but the other one requires the latest version of Chart.js so I can't use both at the same time...

As said in the commit, this was a huge change in the refactoring of version 2.6.0 of ChartJS.
I think this plugin will definitely never work anymore.