
fails to resolve toDate if date-fns@1.x is used elsewhere in project

gsar opened this issue · 3 comments

gsar commented

It appears date-fns@2.0 is no longer listed in peerDependencies, so when this is used in a project that has other things that depend on date-fns@1.x, it fails to load with the error:


since date-fns@1.x doesn't have toDate.

Listing as peer dependency does not help with missing functions. I think you have to pin a version prior to 1.0.0 to use with date-fns v1

gsar commented

@kurkle maybe we need dependencies rather than peerDependencies. this package certainly requires date-fns@2.x so shouldn't there be a dependency declared in package.json? since there is no declared dependency it seems to be resolving the older version (even though both versions are available) and failing.

adding the dependency will make yarn/npm populate a siloed node_modules tree within the installed code and everything should work.

#39 would solve this