
mixed types

erikjonkers opened this issue · 6 comments


I try to use mixed types:

But the 'type' value is dominant at a higher level;

var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: "candlestick",
        data: {
            datasets: [{
                type: "candlestick",
                label: marketName,
                data: candleData
            }, {
                type: "line",
                label: supportLevel,
                data: lineData

Looks fine to me, but could do with some coverage for this in the demo page.
(working with chartjs 3.2.1)



Would you mind sharing your code? I'm also unable to get mixed types working.

Can't do that, as it's all in C#/Blazor, would be more confusing than helpful.

Instead I've twiddled the sample page, see pull request #97 which adds a line for close prices.

I've fixed tooltip labeling for mixed charts, under the same PR.

NB there's quite a big gotcha with financial plugin; parsing for datetime values is disabled by default, for performance.
Make sure you convert x values to epoch timestamps, e.g. as per demo page

x: luxon.DateTime.fromRFC2822(dateStr)

fixed by #97