
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'annotation' does not exist in specified type

stockiNail opened this issue ยท 14 comments

I tried version 3.0.0 and I have a new error :
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'annotation' does not exist in type '_DeepPartialObject<PluginOptionsByType<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, keyof ChartTypeRegistry>>'.

With this code :

import { Chart } from "chart.js/auto";
import * as moment from 'moment';
import zoomPlugin from 'chartjs-plugin-zoom';
import annotationPlugin from 'chartjs-plugin-annotation';
import 'chartjs-adapter-moment';



new Chart(chartRef.nativeElement, {
  type: 'bar',
  plugins: [zoomPlugin],
  data: {
	datasets: datasets
  options: {
	responsive: true,
	maintainAspectRatio: false,
	plugins: {
	  zoom: {
		zoom: {
		  drag: {
			enabled: true
		  mode: 'x',
	  annotation: { } // If I comment this line, error disappears. If I put content inside this object to draw my annotations, still have the error

My versions :
"chart.js": "^4.3.0",
"chartjs-adapter-moment": "^1.0.1",
"chartjs-plugin-annotation": "^3.0.0",
"chartjs-plugin-zoom": "^2.0.1",

If I remove zoom plugin, it works though. But I would like both plugins.
Any suggestion ?

Originally posted by @rfrancois in #877 (comment)

Thanks @stockiNail for your quick reply.

My quick & dirty workaround :

const plugins: any = {
  zoom: { ... }
  annotation: { ... } 

new Chart(chartRef.nativeElement, {
  type: 'bar',
  plugins: [zoomPlugin],
  data: {
	datasets: datasets
  options: {
	responsive: true,
	maintainAspectRatio: false,
	plugins: plugins

This way everything works...

good! Anyway I want to understand where we should fix it (chartjs or plugins) because that's annoying me....

By the way, I'm sorry to ask here if it's not the right place, but I guess it's related:
Since today, graphs aren't displaying on the documentation and there are error messages in the console.

@rfrancois already fixed, See PR #885. We are evaluating how to fix the version 3.0.0 link.
Use "Development(master)' version in the meanwhile

Great thanks

Hello guys

I have the same error, even if I use only the Annotation plugin and totally disable the zoom plugin.
At the moment I use the zoom plugin and I'm interested in the Annotation plugin to draw some standard deviation over my bar chart.

I'm using Angular 15 and "ng2-charts": "^4.1.1" with these other libraries

  • "chart.js": "4.2.0",
  • "chartjs-adapter-dayjs-4": "^1.0.4",
  • "chartjs-plugin-annotation": "3.0.0",
  • "chartjs-plugin-datalabels": "2.2.0",
  • "chartjs-plugin-deferred": "2.0.0",
  • "chartjs-plugin-zoom": "2.0.0",

I tried the proposed workaround but it doesn't work on my configuration, the error remains.
I tried also another way to glue up the annotation property to the chart options object:
Object.defineProperty(this.wPLineChartOptions.plugins, 'annotation', { annotations: [ { type: 'line', borderColor: 'black', borderWidth: 1, label: { backgroundColor: 'red', content: 'deviation', display: false }, drawTime: 'afterDatasetsDraw', xMax: 'Normal', xMin: 'Normal', xScaleID: 'x', yMax: 65, yMin: 55, yScaleID: 'y' } ] } as any);
doing so I can see the annotation property on the object (in the console), but the annotation is undefined.

Some idea about that?

@wizard982 I did a test importing annotation, zoom and datalabels, using the workaround suggested by @rfrancois and it works (defining the plugins options separately). I have a sample project with angular (not ng-charts).
Anyway I did additional tests and the issue is not depending on annotation plugin but about the module augmentation way used by chart.js to define plugins. I think we should submit an issue to chart.js repo, as soon as I have time.

Created issue in Chart.js repo: chartjs/Chart.js#11288

What happens if the same type changes are applied to the zoom plugin? The PR in that repository is still open.

What happens if the same type changes are applied to the zoom plugin? The PR in that repository is still open.

I have tested changing the types of zoom plugin (setting the default type) in node_modules folder. This issue is occurring anyway.

csisy commented

Tried the same thing as @stockiNail can confirm, it does not solve the issue.

As an additional (but maybe trivial) information: if I import the annotation plugins first, the zoom plugin type is missing, but if I import the zoom plugin first, the annotation plugin type is missing.

Will keep an eye on chartjs/Chart.js#11288 but I'm not sure that it will solve the problem.

@wizard982 @csisy @rfrancois See comment chartjs/Chart.js#11288 (comment)
It sounds the issue is in Chart.js. I am waiting for a feedback from maintainers to submit a PR to fix it. I'll keep u updated.

@wizard982 @csisy @rfrancois See PR in Chart,js chartjs/Chart.js#11309.

If you are blocked, as workaround, waiting for PR approval and merging in Chart,js, you could change the following file in your project:


adding PluginOptionsByType in the export at line 9 as following:

 * Explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.
export { PluginOptionsByType, BarController, BubbleController, DoughnutController,

PR chartjs/Chart.js#11309 in Chart,js has been merged. This bug will be fixed by next Chart.js version.
I'm going to close this issue when new Chart,js version will be published.