
annotation in radar charts

satyammishra0 opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a radar chart created with radar charts and i have created 14 radial lines and i am seeing ticks values in the first radial like [0,50,100] now i want to show different different labels and ticks in each radial. I am attaching a image also that of what type i want to show the chart please help me out i have posted the same querty in chart js official account but didn't got any helpful response and after research i found out that this can help me out but i read on website that annotation can't be applied on radar charts so if possible tell the way to make it out


@satyammishra0 well, the annotation plugin, as you have read on website, doesn't support radar charts and mainly radial scale.
Having a look to the picture, I think we could try to use the datalabels plugin:

ok can you help me out more with it in figuring how we can do so ?

I tried that too but in that also I don't think we can customize the radials values of the ticks as used in the image i have provided