Terminal Amour

Listed here are some good resources for making your terminal more awesome!

Bash Profile

A .bash_profile file lives in your home directory and is called everytime before the Terminal is launched. It allows you to set up custom environment variables such as path links and shortcuts as well as a slew of other cool things.



iTerm is a replacement for the standard Terminal that comes with your Mac and is packed with additional features and capabilities. It's free too!



Vim is a text editor that comes with the default iTerm. It is incredibly powerful and useful in many situations where a traditional text editor may not be.


Terminal Commands

There are some easy to remember commands that once you know speed up certain activities. They are listed here.



As well as having a few GUI's available the full power of git can be accessed from the command line. A few of the most useful day to day commands are listed here as well as some extensions that make it even more powerful.



A little playground area to try out some of the commands we got listed here.