
ouster os1 라이다 센서 사용방법

Use environment

  • ubnutu 16.04
  • ros kinetic

Setting the ouster os1 lidar sensor

1. connect with pc pc와 연결

2. network setting 네트워크 설정

3. create workspace

4. terminal 터미널

$cd workspace/src
$git clone https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster_example.git
$cd ..

5. Change the launch file for the network

  • workspace/src/ouster_example/ouster_ros/os1.launch open
  • Change default value default 값 변경
    • os1_hostname is the ouster address os1_hostname은 ouster 주소(
    • os1_udp_dest is the ethernet address(You can use the address you set when setting up the network.)
      os1_udp_dest는 이더넷 주소(네트워크 설정할 때 설정한 주소로 하면된다.)

Running the ouster os1 lidar sensor

  • terminal
$cd workspace
$source devel/setup.bash
$cd src/ouster_example/ouster_ros
$roslaunch os1.launch
  • View as visualization
$rviz -d viz.rviz
  • Setting rviz
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