
Deployment success but won't reflect on the dashboard.

glennposadas opened this issue · 3 comments

The deployment in the CLI says ✔ Deploy complete!. But there's no update on the Firebase Functions Dashboard. I tried this multiple times already. In other project, I was able to deploy the functions that I have pretty easily.

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Hi @glennposadas To me it looks like the deployment was successful. Are you sure you're deploying it to the correct project?

Hi Ben,! Thanks for the fast reply! Yes, I'm 100% sure I'm using the correct project. There are only two projects associated in my account, so I can only be sure. Dev and Prod. I'm trying to deploy to Prod project.

I actually got successful deployment to Dev project before, and now I deleted the deployed functions in that project and now.... any deployment won't reflect too in that Dev project 😅

Maybe I'm forgetting something here.

Hi Ben, okay, I solved it!

This instruction was kinda confusing for me:

Find the functions directory you've just created and add the files: index.js and package.json from Github

I should store those two files inside that functions folder created for me. Lol. And npm install the missing module npm install @google-cloud/logging.


The output should be like this, for anyone experiencing confusion.

Screen Shot 2020-01-07 at 1 51 22 PM