
Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box?


Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box? Can you root this Mr. Robot styled machine? This is a virtual machine meant for beginners/intermediate users. There are 3 hidden keys located on the machine, can you find them?

First I enumerated the ip

nmap -sV -A ip

The thing was found that was : invalid digital certificate . But I knew that it is used for valid source authetication and for data integrity. This was not much usefull for me.

and That was running wordpress website.

Then enumerated the direcrtory

dirsearch -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt In between I gone through all the instruction which was available on the website one file was found but that was not much useful for me .

Found some directory :

 alt text

gone through everyone:

Found a base64 text in /license directory

Then decoded and tried for wp-login.php web directory and It was succesful.

Shell Spawning

In Themes section ,edited the file 404.php with php-reverse-shell file's content and turned on a listener nc -lvnp 1234.

Now to run that I went at this location

Found a shell owned by daemon

Then went to /home/ directory and found /home/robot directory .In this folder two files were available but not accesible ,as they are owned by robot user.

So decided for privilege escalation.

I got the kernal version and serached for exploit then I found a kernal vulnerability for privilege escalation and found c code , run it but not worked.

Now transfered the linPeas.sh file in /tmp and run it.

Found some command for which suid was set one of them was nmap . alt text Then run /usr/local/bin/nmap --interactive


Hurray buddy you are root now!!