Typing into date inputs types only on the yyyy section.
ric2b opened this issue · 7 comments
Trying to record typing into a date field doesn't work for me, it just types on the yyyy
section of the date and ends up completely invalid.
What I've had work really well was replacing await page.type(selector, '2020-08-07');
await page.focus(selector);
await page.keyboard.type('20200807');
Would it be within scope of the extension to recognize date inputs and use this alternative instead?
Just checking, but since its been several months, is this still open?
Hi @noahsnowc, yes, this is still an open issue.
@ric2b @noahsnowc Hi, we are trying to get back on this.
I am testing this issue and could not reproduce it.
When I click the input and I type (or manually select a date), the value is properly generated.
Am I missing something? If so, can you provide more information/details on this?
@ianaya89 The recording looks ok, it does capture the whole date, but when I execute the resulting script only the yyyy
section is modified, at least on the test form I'm using which is this Google Form.
The alternative I provided above works but it requires manually editing the resulting script. I'm not sure what the best solution would be, not sure if this is an issue with the puppeteer API itself or not.
edit: Also tried these, which don't even start typing on the data input:
looks great
though My chrome just went corrupted qwq