
Add types property to package.json

Repugraf opened this issue · 2 comments

If the package has types property in package.json pointing to d.ts file it will have ts icon on npm page indicating it has build in typescript types.

For example here is the chalk package

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 19 34 48

And here is how their package.json looks like:

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 19 36 47

So for this package to have the same icon on npm types property should be added to package.json with the value of ./types/dist/index.d.ts.

This should be really easy to do.

Thank you @Repugraf, we are taking a look it together with #357.

Thank you @Repugraf, we have a future task to introduce these improvements, at the moment we cannot do it, thank you very much, we will take it into account and write it down.