
Problem with customisation.

Closed this issue · 18 comments

Hello sir/mam,

I create my own text filed but the problem is I can't access icon and method. I share screenshot so you got better.

I want UI like this. You have 4 screen that I check in frames Demo but it is not possible to create like this.i create UI like this and I used payment methods for payment. everything working fine. but now issue is that I can't format textfield and I can't access payment type icon.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro - 2023-12-18 at 01 10 59

according to my research

I try this code in my Viewcontroller but it can't access. it is not public protocol. From below method I got text and icon that I debug in sdk code.
Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 1 13 56 AM

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 1 16 40 AM

I want this method public how can I do? can you do that for me..this is our client requirement so we create UI like this.

Please help me .
Thank you.

Hello @maulikshah09,
Textfields have been protected and secured to prevent anyone to access it.
Regarding the UI, PaymentViewController can be added into the action sheet. We provide support for customizing textfield border colors, corners, and titles. Kindly take a look at the implementation example.

Hello @ehab-al-cko

I created common text filed with material design. now we want above UI.. Payment view controller can't achieve that I checked the code also.. Please help me to public that methods or provide me alternative.. we are in market now from last 2 year so we can't change anything we need public that methods and payment UI can't match the requirement of client.

Hi @maulikshah09, can you be more specific about your requirements here? Are you trying to load the payment form into an action sheet? What exactly is it that you can't do with the current prebuilt UI that we offer?

@patrick-hoban-cko If you can do above method public then everything is done. that method is providing icon and text that User enter.

Cardnumberviewprotocol that protocol need a public.

@maulikshah09 could you explain why you would need those methods public, i.e. what are you trying to achieve with the icons/text?

As Ehab mentioned above, we don't allow access to the content of text fields for security reasons. This would include the positioning of the text, where the scheme icon shows in the card number field, and in the field validation itself that verifies the card number/expiry date/CVV.

@patrick-hoban-cko I checked your framework there is no security for that. We want to show the icon on left side and format the textfield like 4444 4444 4444 4444.

According to your protocol it is provided text that is formatted and icon of the card. I debug the code that is provide both this things.

Hi @maulikshah09, the prebuilt UI will automatically place the icon on the left hand side and format the text in the fields like that. I would recommend taking a look at the sample app provided to see an example integration for the prebuilt UI we have that should fulfil your requirements!

@patrick-hoban-cko it is not fulfilling our requirement check our UI I attached the screenshot. I think I have to find the way from myself. no one helping me here...

It need to convert that method to public and all problem solve. I checked sdk code.. there is no security related that text filed and that methods. If you can help me then please do it.

your sdk is not customizable. My application have Material design and client want this design. My application is live from 2 years we are not using prebuilt UI.. above UI is my own UI.

Hi @maulikshah09, thanks for all your points above.

To avoid a lot of back and forth on here, let's take this one offline and involve your dedicated Solutions Engineer, so that I can understand your requirements a bit further and explain the capabilities of the Frames SDKs.



Hey all, considering that this has been taken to be discussed via other channels, I'm closing this issue now. Feel free to re-open or to create a new one 🙏

@patrick-hoban-cko @okhan-okbay-cko Closing Ticket is not solution.. I can't find any solution here.

Hi @maulikshah09, I was told by your solutions engineer that they had discussed with you. Let me ping them and they can reach out again.

@patrick-hoban-cko We need this thing asap. We have 3 applications that we intigrated checkout. all application is for same client.. client want that thing in all application we stuck now. we choose your SDK because your SDK Is customisable.. above UI we developed in all application. IF we choose your UI then all application we have to rework for payment.. we don't have time to rework. I hope you provide solution or I need to customise your pod code.

Please tell me if I have to do.

@patrick-hoban-cko OK I am waiting for your response.

@patrick-hoban-cko Can you tell me how much time I have to wait.. if I have to work my self then tell me I can customise the code.

hey @maulikshah09,

Our SDK does not support having the image at the right-hand-side of the card number text field.

Technically, even if we made that protocol public, you wouldn’t be able to show your desired icon. You would need us to make a handful of other views and properties public, to achieve the desired UI of yours, so the change is a little bigger than it might seem.

However, we will consider this feature for a future release, as we are currently scoping out a new product within the mobile payments space.

If you make alterations on the Frames SDK UI other than our allowed customisation options, you might be hit by an increased level of PCI compliance. We recommend you to speak to your PCI compliance provider on this if you have any further questions.

For further discussion, please contact us via the designated contact in your company. We had sent you several e-mails and tried to reach you but didn't get any reply.


@okhan-okbay-cko no problem I just got the type that I need.. according to type I show the images..if you make that public then easily handle from our side.. now I done with type.