###Summary 'Mobile Internet Technology' Course Work
Tempt to Develop a Music Player on IOS
Smartly switch Next Item to the suggested one
###Configuration 1.install CocoaPods
2.pod update/install to get Scene_Music.xcworkspace file
3.open with xcode
4.compile and run (with devices,need media library)
###Work Main Changes Currently,Basic player model is based on the uncompleted music player
week 14
1.change ipodmuiscplayer(7.0)->applicationmusicplayer(9.0)
2.remove theme change when prev/next
week 15
1.test and rebuild with version 8.4
2.reorganize tab view and direct
week 17
1.adding play function to coreplayer;applicationmusicplayer->systemmusicplayer
2.finishing basic music player can switch successfully between musics;
3.bugs in album and artist swtiching
week 18
1.Remove SongList Section
2.Prepare for Save Suggest List in UserDefaults include app's different state
3.Some bug fix and UI adjust
week 19
1.Real time dynamic update list
New Songs on Top
Played Songs on Bottom
Remove Deleted Songs
2.Stop music when terminated
3.Set Home Location View and Function
4.Other Bugs Fixed
week 20
1.Show Status of Current Preference Type decided by Location
2.Remove Preference Function in Setting
3.Dynamic Range List (Artist ,Album ,songs play, new Song)
4.Save Preference Data in UserDefaults
5.Needs to be Tested more
week 21
1.Update media queue
2.Adjust album aritist score_changing
###Snap ##Update of Snaps(2016.1.8) ####different configuration(2016.1.14)