
How to avoid cheerio to escape character when i use `.html()` function

fireairforce opened this issue · 3 comments

My demo case just as follows:

const cheerio = require('cheerio')

const contents = ''

const $ = cheerio.load(contents, {
  decodeEntities: false

  decodeEntities: false,

The cheerio version was 1.0.0-rc.12.

The output was:


i don't want to & has been escaped to &amp;, i try to add a option like decodeEntities: false, but it seems make no sense.

How can i avoid this?

Its possible to set false in a third argument like this:

  const $ = cheerio.load(contents, { decodeEntities: false, }, false);

Reference: Section "Fragment mode" in Tutorial Advanced > Configuring Cheerio:

@fireairforce I'm using the options below and it works well, you can try it.

    xml: {
      decodeEntities: false,

Actually, it seems to work with the second argument only, dropping the third one:

> cheerio.load('').html()
> cheerio.load('', { xml: { decodeEntities: false } }).html()

The problem is in the second argument: it should be { xml: { decodeEntities: false } }.