Does chef provisioning loadbalancer driver support elbv2
kamalika-majumder opened this issue · 2 comments
kamalika-majumder commented
Hi ,
I am trying to create an application loadbalancer with load_balancer resource but it does not recognise the latest loadbalancer options as per aws doc. I get an error as below:
unexpected option type
Resource Declaration:
# In /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/chef-12.17.44/lib/chef/dsl/chef_provisioning.rb
43: self.#{method_name}(*args, &block)
44: end
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/chef-12.17.44/lib/chef/dsl/chef_provisioning.rb:43:in `load_balancer'
load_balancer("pub-elb") do
action [:create]
retries 0
retry_delay 2
default_guard_interpreter :default
chef_server {:chef_server_url=>"chefzero://localhost:8889", :options=>{:client_name=>"ip-x-y-x-o", :signing_key_filename=>nil, :api_version=>"0"}}
driver "aws"
load_balancer_options {:subnets=>["xxxxxx", "xxxxxx"], :security_groups=>["pub_elb_sg"], :scheme=>"internet-facing", :type=>"application", :attributes=>[{:key=>"idle_timeout.timeout_seconds", :value=>"60"}, {:key=>"deletion_protection.enabled", :value=>"false"}]}
declared_type :load_balancer
cookbook_name "infra"
recipe_name "create_public_elbv2"
Is there a support for the application load balancer in the driver
eheydrick commented
There is no support for ALBs yet. I opened chef-boneyard/chef-provisioning-aws#502 for adding the feature.
tas50 commented
I'm going to close this out based one eric's response. There's an issue on the aws driver project for this request.