
Documentation for `bash` and other similar commands

matthewhively opened this issue · 0 comments

- property: code
ruby_type: String
required: true
- markdown: A quoted string of code to be executed.
- property: command
ruby_type: String, Array
required: false
default_value: The resource block's name
- markdown: An optional property to set the command to be executed if it differs
from the resource block's name.
- note:
markdown: Use the **execute** resource to run a single command. Use multiple
**execute** resource blocks to run multiple commands.

Its not clear how code interacts with command attributes if at all.
It appears that bash is a wrapper around script and script inherits attributes from the more generic execute resource.

  1. Is command inherited from higher scope resource? Or is it overridden to act differently by bash specifcally?
  2. if code is required, what different purpose does command serve?
  3. if this is just a wrapper around the more generic script perhaps this should be stated clearly and make references to script instead of execute resource?