Workstation App should handle initial setup of configuration
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One of our goals for the Workstation project is to remove manual setup tasks so that Workstation can be setup without engagement from field teams or the need to review our docs. A user should just install Workstation and end up with a working system that talks to a chef server.
Current manual tasks
- If you have nothing at all setup you need to make sure to install Chef Infra Server, create your org, and create a user
- On Linux / macOS you need to decide if you wish to use the embedded Ruby or modify your shell's path to include /opt/chef/workstation/
- Take the pem file your admin provided you with and copy it to .chef/whatever.pem, making sure to set the correct permissions
- Edit the ~/.chef/credentials file to look something like this:
client_name = 'tas50'
client_key = '/Users/tsmith/.chef/tas50.pem'
chef_server_url = ""
- Validate you can communicate with the server and optionally run knife ssl fetch to grab a self signed cert
Where We Want to Be
At the first launch of the chef-workstation-app we currently create the ~/.chef dir and drop in place a sample credential file that helps the user to manually configure the system. Instead when the workstation app launches if there isn't a .chef directory already it should assume tis is a new install and walk you through the setup in a wizard-like fashion. At the end, you should have a fully working Workstation installation that's ready to issue chef or knife commands.
Definition of Done
- After setup wizard experience the user can issue a command like
knife status
successfully - Documentation is updated with this new getting start process